Wednesday, September 19, 2012

3 months old

Dear Liam,
I know this post is about a week late, but our neighbors put a password on the wireless we were using, and I was kind of hoping to not have to type this on my phone, but alas, here I am, writing this up on my phone.

You have grown at least a little bit this month, as I just swiched your 0-3month clothes for 3-6months clothes. I left the pants, cause you still fit those fine but all your sleepers and onsies were getting to snug. I also just started putting your diapers on the second snap, because if I don't they unsnap themselves.

You enjoy playing in your exersaucer, because it holds you upright, and can play you music. You also like to have books read to you, and bounce on our knees while we sing 'pony boy' or 'trot trot to boston'.

Your babbling has taken on another decible, and sometimes I have to look at you to tell whether you're upset, or just telling your story. Sometimes when you're real upset it sounds like you're crying "mama". You just started giggling and squealing recently, and your daddy and I agree it's the cutest thing ever!!

You haven't rolled over yet, but you do scooch yourself forward with your toes, usually in a curve. 

I cannot wait to see what you learn next.

Daddy and I love you so much!
Love, Mama