Monday, October 29, 2012

4 month check up

It's been a week since Liam had his 4 month check up with Dr. H. I figure it's time to post his stats. Lol
He weighs 16lbs 6.5oz and is 27" long. His head is 17.25" round, which puts him in or above the 95% for everything in his age group. I have one giant baby!
He's still fitting into 3-6mos clothes, but not for much longer. At least not the sleepers.
Oh well, I love my lil teething man.

Friday, October 19, 2012

4 month pictures

Liam got a pumpkin for his pictures. We didn't get any smiling ones before the camera batteries died, but he's still adorable.
He thinks his pumpkin tastes delicious!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Sitting in the rocker, holding his bear from Carolyn <3

Sunday, October 14, 2012

4 months

Dear Liam,
You turned four months old yesterday. You keep growing bigger every day. People say you're big for your age, but I think you're just the right size.
You haven't figured out how to roll over yet, but you have become a pro at tummy time. You now hold toys in your hands and play with // suck on them. And you enjoy playing in your exersaucer, your bouncy seat, and having me sing songs to you.
Your favourite way to fall asleep is to be cuddled in your blanket with your pacifier, and have mama rock you.
You wake up around 6:30 or 7 every morning and are ready to play. You sleep fairly well, and only wake up two or three times a night.
You are still the cutest, sweetest, baby around.
We love you,
Daddy and Mama

Thursday, October 11, 2012

3-4month cell snapshots

Froggy hat at the thrift store
Fresh outta the shower
Being a big boy
Baby Nikes
He likes going for walks
Über cute


Sometimes I feel bad for pretty much jus updating this once a month, but then I think 'this is my blog, I'll update it when I want to.'
Anyways, Liam turns 4months old on Saturday, so I'll be writing my typical update then. I just got an idea for some totally adorable photos of Liam for this month. Thankfully Nate has Saturday off, so he can help me acheive my goal. If it works, it'll be wayyy cute. If not, he'll just have his typical pictures in the glider.
His dr's appt is on the 22nd. I'm excited to see how much he's grown.
I think that's all for now,