Monday, February 25, 2013

Two Weeks

Two weeks  ago, I took a home pregnancy test, and as I suspected it was positive. I thought I was maybe two months along at most.
One week ago, I went to my OB/GYN, and since I was unsure as to how far along I was. (Still haven't had my cycle since Liam) they did a quick ultrasound. Turns out I was twelve weeks pregnant, and I'm due August 31st.
Two weeks is all it's been since I found out. I'm happy and scared, excited to have another and terrified that I won't be able to handle two under two.
Nate and I have nicknamed this tummy baby Gadget and their thing will be robots.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

8 Months

Dear Liam,
You are 8 months old today. In one more month we'll find out how much you weigh, and how long you are. I'm sure you've grown a lot, as I've just gone ahead and stuck your 12 month clothes in your dresser, so you wear a mish mash of anything from 6-12 months. But, some of your onsies are already to small, and have stuck them in a box for another baby.
 You've just started to figure out how to scoot forwards, and enjoyed getting into the stack of papers I left on the floor one day (oops), you're standing with assistance ALL THE TIME! I can't wait for you to figure out how to pull yourself up on things, then I won't have to help you stand constantly. You have figured out how to get off our bed, and you often go "exploring" on the floor while you wait for me to get out of bed.
You're really digging into all solid foods I give you, loving {almost} every bite. You will eat anything off my plate, as long as it is cut into small enough pieces.
 Verbally you don't say any actually words yet, but lots of "dadadas" and "babababas" which melt your daddy's hear. (Baba means father in Arabic) You smile lots, and are a generally happy baby. We're still working on learning the sign for milk. I need to incorporate more into what I say to you, so you can pick it up better. You still just have your two little teeth on the bottom, but you sure can bite hard if you want to, lol.
Love you so much, Little Man!
Love, Daddy and Mama
New Bomber hat for next winter!
You like hoody strings
All around happy baby!
The other night, when we walked up and got Chinese take-out
Sleeping on Mama
Just woke up from a nap.