Wednesday, June 11, 2014

9 months

6 days late... Because the days got away from me.

Dear Hanners,

You now climb stairs with ease (and give Mama heart attacks!) and stand unassisted for a second at a time, and think you are really cool stuff!
Yours wearing a lot of 12 month clothes, which makes me want to force you to slow down in the growing department.
You went from 2 teeth last month to now having 7, and I hardly noticed. You often demand "real" food, and can almost eat as much as Liam does in a day. I like that you're so interested in people food, it's nice to be able to have some me time, and know you're not starving.
You live up to your middle name so much, I love having such a happy baby. You love your daddy, and enjoy snuggling up with him often.
You are starting to be very vocal, and sometimes it's hard to get you to stop talking.. You remind me of me! Everyone says you're my mini me, except for those blue eyes like Aunty Bay's.
You like reading books, dancing, playing with cars (or anything else your brobro has)
I can't wait to keep watching you grow!
Love, Mama and Daddy