Monday, November 16, 2015

My hometown

I was listening to the radio tonight and there was some contest going on asking people where they would take someone in their hometown, and why. As a third culture kid my mind scrambled for a minute, what is my home town, where would I want to take someone, and then almost as quickly my brain calmed. Home. Fes. A place I all but abandoned in my youth and will probably never be able to return to. I would take them to Fes and show them the Medina (kedima that is).

We would walk through a tannery, holding delicate fresh mint leaves over our noses to help with the stench, watching men in stained shorts dip sheep skins in to the large tubs of dye.
We would then walk on, passing all sorts of shops, each with their wares hanging on nails and hooks all around the doorways like picture frames, advertising what they sell.
We would see a leather store, selling things like poufs made out of the different colored leathers, and Blaghree every color of the rainbow and black, and white, but mostly yellow.
We would see a metal working shop selling things like serving trays and tea pots, mirror frames, and jewelry. There might even be a man sitting there hand etching something so we can see how it is done.
There would be a scarf shop filled with all sorts of colors and prints, shapes and sizes of scarves. If we're nice the owner would probably even give us a demonstration on how to style them different ways. Scarf shops have always been my favorite.
We would see a woodworking shop filled with all things wood, big and small. It would smell strongly of cedar. There would be tables, chess boards and pieces, small animals with inlaid eyes of a different color wood, chains that were hand carved out of one piece of wood. Qu'ran stands that are so beautifully carved you'll have to run your fingers along the edges.
As we continue on down we'll have to pay attention, listening for someone shouting "Ballack" as they prod a butane laden donkey down the narrow alley like roads. If you don't step out of the way you most likely face a very painful crushing between a wall and said donkey.
We'll pass hanouts selling groceries and basic everyday needed household items, there will be nut shops selling a paper cone full of freshly roasted peanuts or sunflower seeds for a Durham a piece.
We might stop at a jelloba store and try on the traditional robes, maybe even get swindled into buying one that you'll never wear again.
By this point our feet will be tired, we'll find a nice rug shop to slip our shoes off and sit down in, they'll serve us mint tea, and roll out as many beautiful, hand woven rugs as we can handle.
We'll hear a call to prayer, probably the same one from many mosques, and watch as the faithful stop to say their prayers.
We'll grab a freshly squeezed glass of orange juice from a cart, and maybe a popcorn to go with it, and if you're feeling brave, we'll get some beeboosh soup.
As the day ends, and we wander out one of the gates in search of a taxi, one of thousands of bright red petit taxis in the city, I'll stop and inhale deeply one last time, because I never want to forget the smell of home.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

9 months

6 days late... Because the days got away from me.

Dear Hanners,

You now climb stairs with ease (and give Mama heart attacks!) and stand unassisted for a second at a time, and think you are really cool stuff!
Yours wearing a lot of 12 month clothes, which makes me want to force you to slow down in the growing department.
You went from 2 teeth last month to now having 7, and I hardly noticed. You often demand "real" food, and can almost eat as much as Liam does in a day. I like that you're so interested in people food, it's nice to be able to have some me time, and know you're not starving.
You live up to your middle name so much, I love having such a happy baby. You love your daddy, and enjoy snuggling up with him often.
You are starting to be very vocal, and sometimes it's hard to get you to stop talking.. You remind me of me! Everyone says you're my mini me, except for those blue eyes like Aunty Bay's.
You like reading books, dancing, playing with cars (or anything else your brobro has)
I can't wait to keep watching you grow!
Love, Mama and Daddy

Friday, May 9, 2014


I started a post yesterday talking about all this month's accomplishments, but it disappeared before I could finish it up and post it.

my dear sweet Nani Girl,

You're getting so big, Hanners! You are fully into 6-9 months clothes, and finally getting to wear all your cute little summer outfits and dresses.

This month (actually all within a few days of each other) you learned how to crawl, pull yourself up on things, and creep on the furniture. You would probably be good at stairs too, if we had any in our house.

You still only have your two bottom teeth, but you shows those off when you smile ALL THE TIME. Your hair is getting thick in the back, I'm hoping the top catches up soon.

Now that you're mobile Liam is loving playing with you even more and you love most of the attention, although you're still not sure about the strangling hugs he tries to give you.

You have mastered Sippy cups, and love getting drinks, especially if Liam is having one.

You're constantly trying to grab all the electronics, and everything else you can't have, this being mobile business definitely keeps me on my toes, but I love watching you grow so much!

Love, Mama and Daddy

Saturday, April 5, 2014

7 months

Happy 7 months, my sweet Nani girl <3 just a picture update since I just posted one 2 days ago.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sorry it's been so long

I haven't blogged in a few months, and I feel bad about it. I did so good with monthly updates when Liam was a baby, but when my phone started getting slow, I deleted the blogger app and stopped writing. =\
Hanners is almost 7 months old. She is super close to crawling and has the backwards scoot down like a pro. She loves eating anything I offer her, so glad I chose baby led weaning again. She's wearing 6-9months clothes. Loves crinkly noise. Loves her daddy and any attention she gets. She's my little joy girl. {cool to think about the fact that we picked her name while I was pregnant with Liam, and it fits her so well.}
Liam [21 months] is constantly learning. He loves Thomas, Umi's (Team Umi Zoomi), Aman (Spiderman), puppies, mew mews (cats), Aunt Pop (my sister), Weetie (sweet tea), cars, Sushi (Yoshi), Ma-I-o (Mario), and pickles. He likes cuddles, kissing Hanners, playing cars, coloring, and playing catch.
Nate's birthday was last week, I keep thinking he's 25, lol.
We got to go see my parents last week, and my in-laws drove down to see us too. Now they've all met Baby Girl. It was a good trip, but definitely still recovering from it all (including colds).

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Writing Prompt #5

What kind of work did your parents do (farm, salesman, manager, seamstress, nurse, stay at home mom, professional/laborer, etc.)

My mom has been a stay at home mom, for as long as I can remember. She has worked on the side, cleaning jobs, ect. But her main focus has always been homeschooling us kids, and taking care of the home.
My dad has had many different jobs, the last one before our family went into full time missions when I was 10 was working at a door company.
My parents are currently working with/at the Orphan Justice Center in Kansas City, Missouri. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Writing Prompt #4

Tell me about your mother (hers name, birth date, birthplace, parents, etc.) Can you share some memories you have of your mother?

My mother's name is Jayme Lea (Jenner) Osborn. She was born on March 25th in California. Her parents were James Lowell Jenner, who died when I was 14, and Marlene May (Wrege) Jenner, who is 80 and still alive and kicking.

I have fond memories of rubbing her back and playing with her hair while she read to me before bed. We read all sorts of stuff but the last ones I remember was "All Things Bright and Beautiful" by James Harriet.
My mother is an excellent cook, out of all the things she has made, I can honestly say I only didn't care for three of them. She didn't always want to share her kitchen, but when she opened it up and let me in, chopping, stirring, and even sometimes cooking a whole meal, it opened up a chance to talk, and learn. In this day and age knowledge of what spices and seasonings are good, strong, what compliments each other is rare and I'm thankful my mother passed it down to me.
She also is a great example of someone who protects the spiritual atmosphere of the home, always playing worship music, not allowing most movies or secular music.
She's a great mom and I love her.