Monday, April 22, 2013

I just felt like it

I've been wanting to blog again, especially since Liam's 10month post was super short. And so today, while snuggled in bed for nap time, I shall blog.
Liam has started shaking his head, he does this frequently, and loves when you do it back. He also climbs like a pro. I'm not the biggest fan of how he gets off of things, head first, but his independence is astounding.
The other day we were some place new, and within 10 minutes he had crawled off to play, and only came back to me when he was hungry.

Now of course when it's not of his own free will, being away from mom is the worst thing ever.
Liam has also figured out how to clap, so we often sing "let's clap our hands for Daddy/mama/gramma"

Matchy boys

Hair, by Liam

This kid loves to be outside!


Smoothie thief!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I saw my baby today.

Dang baby girl was curled up so tight (chin to belly button), facing my spine and wouldn't move. That meant no 3D ultrasound, but we got a couple of her looking like skeletor. XD

Sunday, April 14, 2013

20 weeks

Half-way there. Feeling good. Liam was sick last week which was tiring and overwhelming at times, but he was officially declared better yesterday morning. Despite Liam being sick, I've been doing good.
We're getting excited, my next ultrasound is on Tuesday, and we'll be finding out the sex of our lil Gadget!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

10 months

Dear Liam,
You're ten months old today. I love watching you grow and learn. You love to be outside, so when you get grumpy, I take you out on the patio and let you crawl around.
Your new found love for yogurt melts (freeze dried drops of yogurt) started when you got them in your Easter basket. They are now your favourite.
I'm sure you've learned some new trick this month, I just can't think of it. (Thank you pregnant brain).
Love you Buddy! Love,

Cutie pie


Playing in the backyard.

Friday, April 5, 2013


Liam and I went to the park yesterday with some friends. It was fun. We went down by the lake to look at the ducks, and Liam crawled around in the dirt. It's so much fun now that Liam is older, he loves to explore and discover.
Anyways, here are a few pics from the park.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Nate's birthday && Easter '13

Nate's birthday was yesterday. We celebrated with Dunkin Donuts, some shopping, a trip to the park (for Liam), a nap, and dinner with friends.
We had a very lovely Easter, Nate sang on the worship team at Church, and Liam literally slept through the whole service.
Here's a few pics from the park, after the service, and of course my 18week belly shot. Bunny hat courtesy of Grandma Rudolph.