Saturday, June 15, 2013

Birthday Celebrations!!

So Liam got sick Thursday night, with a 24 hour type bug, so we post poned cake, which was fine because his present from us didn't come til Friday anyways.
Here's pictures from all the birthday-ness.

Happy Bubs,

Got a train from grandma and grandpa

Loves it.

His cake

Om nom nom

It's delicious

All done

Thursday, June 13, 2013

12 months

Dear Liam Benjamin,
Today is your first birthday. It's marks a year of breast feeding (exclusively for the first 9 months). It marks a year of co-sleeping, cloth diapering, and so much more.
I am so blessed to be your Mama, and getting to watch you change and grow over this last year.
In this last month you got your first hair cut (in time for vacation), took your first couple steps (though still not officially walking yet), met quite a lot of people, got to grown up for baby time, grew out of some onsies and shirts, and just got even cuter!
I love you,
Love, Mama

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Vacation 2013

We have been on vacation for the last week and a half. It was much needed and well enjoyed.

With Aunty Bay

With uncle Gabe

Hit my third trimester on Saturday.

On our family day, enjoying Cedar Rapids.

With Aunty Liz

Four generations

Reading with Grandpa Rudy