Friday, May 9, 2014


I started a post yesterday talking about all this month's accomplishments, but it disappeared before I could finish it up and post it.

my dear sweet Nani Girl,

You're getting so big, Hanners! You are fully into 6-9 months clothes, and finally getting to wear all your cute little summer outfits and dresses.

This month (actually all within a few days of each other) you learned how to crawl, pull yourself up on things, and creep on the furniture. You would probably be good at stairs too, if we had any in our house.

You still only have your two bottom teeth, but you shows those off when you smile ALL THE TIME. Your hair is getting thick in the back, I'm hoping the top catches up soon.

Now that you're mobile Liam is loving playing with you even more and you love most of the attention, although you're still not sure about the strangling hugs he tries to give you.

You have mastered Sippy cups, and love getting drinks, especially if Liam is having one.

You're constantly trying to grab all the electronics, and everything else you can't have, this being mobile business definitely keeps me on my toes, but I love watching you grow so much!

Love, Mama and Daddy