Tuesday, November 13, 2012

5 months old

Dear Liam,
You're 5 months old today.
I just switched out your 3-6 month size clothes for 6-9month clothes. The onsies are still okay, but pants and sleepers were too small//short. Your weight seems to be keeping up with your height, not in a fat way, just in healthy//proportionate way. ^_^
You've definitely started teething. I bought you an amber necklace that has really helped with the pain. You haven't started eating food yet, but I've given you bites of smoothie and apple sauce. The other day I even let you lick a lime. Oh man, I wish I had a picture of the face you made.
You started rolling over, back-to-belly, about a week ago and just yesterday was the first time I know you rolled belly-to-back. Now you are a rolling as soon as I lay you down you start squirming. I've started changing your diaper on the floor fot safety's sake.
You talk a lot. Usually in a very deep tone, with a serious look on your face, and a a string of drool on your chin. You also have many conversations that consist of nothing but you blowing zerberts.
You give kisses now to your daddy and I. I don't mind all the spit that gets on my cheeks because your kisses melt my heart.
You like to watch Rolie Polie Olie and Praise Babies, read books, and play on the floor. I think you are going through a growth spurt too, because your naps have doubled and your feeding times are longer. Baths are still a favourite, although I don't get you in the tub as often as I'd like.
Liam, I am loving watching your personality develop, and seeing you reach the milestones.
We love you!
Love, Daddy and Mama

1 comment:

  1. Reading this made me smile, laugh (the lime!!!), and now I have tears in my eyes! I love the joy you are experiencing with Liam in your life!!! :-)

    Hey, Liam! I just wanted to wish you and your parents a Happy Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for you, and that you came to enrich your mommy and daddy's life!!!
    HUGS, Carolyn :-)
