Friday, December 21, 2012

Instgram Friday

I didn't post last Friday because I was sick. Liam started throwing up Saturday night, and has been puking randomly since. Which is always fun, since he can't puke into a bowl, or give me warning. I have done three loads of laundry this week, as opposed to my normal 1 load a week.
Anyways, enough about being sick, time for some pictures of the cutie!
Despite being  sick, Liam has gotten incredibly mobile in the last week. Nothing in our house is safe anymore, just kidding.


  1. He's adorable! Yep, once they're mobile your life changes. :D

  2. What GREAT photos!!! Oh my gosh...Liam's already looking more little-boy and less baby! He's growing so fast!!!
    Hope everyone is feeling better by now! Ugh on the flu!
    HUGS, Carolyn :-)
