Monday, March 25, 2013

Dr's appt, weight, & bottles

So in my last post I mentioned that Liam had Doctor's appointment, and I would post his stats.
At his appointment ten days ago, we found out he only weighed 17lbs. A pound and a half less then he did at 6 months. This was cause enough for alarm and immediate action. After having some blood drawn to make sure it wasn't something more serious, Dr. H said that my milk had dried up to much with being pregnant again, and he hadn't been getting enough calories.
As there was no other good way to help Liam gain back the weight he lost, we promptly went out, bought bottles, and started supplementing with formula.
In the past ten days he has gained 1 pound. Dr. H was very impressed with his stats. That puts Liam at 17lbs and 15oz, and he is 2' 5.5" long!


  1. Sounds like you have a great doc! Good! Glad Liam is doing well and gaining again!
    HUGS, C. :-)

  2. Happy Easter to your precious family!
    HUGS!!! :-)
