Sunday, October 14, 2012

4 months

Dear Liam,
You turned four months old yesterday. You keep growing bigger every day. People say you're big for your age, but I think you're just the right size.
You haven't figured out how to roll over yet, but you have become a pro at tummy time. You now hold toys in your hands and play with // suck on them. And you enjoy playing in your exersaucer, your bouncy seat, and having me sing songs to you.
Your favourite way to fall asleep is to be cuddled in your blanket with your pacifier, and have mama rock you.
You wake up around 6:30 or 7 every morning and are ready to play. You sleep fairly well, and only wake up two or three times a night.
You are still the cutest, sweetest, baby around.
We love you,
Daddy and Mama

1 comment:

  1. 4 months already!!! wow!!!
    HUGS, Carolyn :-)
