Friday, December 14, 2012

6 months old

Dear Liam,
You turned 6 months old yesterday. It's crazy to think that 6 months ago you were a little (haha) baby in my arms.
On Tuesday you had your 6month check-up. You aced the evaluation, which means developmentally you are right on track. The only question I couldn't answer is how you pick up cheerios and other small things, but you've never had anything that small so I don't know. You had to get booster shots, but daddy came with so I let him hold you.
You weighed 18lbs1.5oz landing you in the 62% and you are 28.5" tall keeping you in the 99% (not that we were surprised). You have grown over 10" and gained almost 10lbs since you were born.
You aren't crawling yet, but you wiggle and roll all over the place. You've gotten a lot better at sitting up, your daddy and I are so proud of you!
You enjoy playing on the floor so you can "roam" about the room. The more independant you become, the more you clingy you become. I don't usually mind, although sometimes it would be nice to do house work without having you strapped to my back, or crying. Or both.
You tried carrots for the first time this week. You mostly just smashed them around, but I think you ate some. No teeth yet, so I'm really not pushing solids yet.
Liam, your daddy and I love you so much and we're so blessed to have you in our life.
Love, Daddy and Mama

Pics are, new born Liam and Mama, almost 6month old Liam and Mama, and Mr. Chuckle Clause

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! Happy 6 months, Liam!!! You are growing up so fast!!! :-)
    Mr. Chuckle Claus made me laugh!!! :-D
    Happy Christmas to you three!!!
    HUGS!!! Carolyn :-)
