Saturday, April 7, 2012

Health Update

As most of you know, I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes about a week and a half ago. On Wednesday I was given a glucometer and taught about carbohydrates  and proteins and calories and all sorts of good stuff, so that I can control my blood sugar through exercise and diet.

So far, (as in the last 4 days), I have successfully kept my blood sugar in the "safe range" and for that I am ridiculously happy. Because if I am unable to control it myself, I will become insulin dependant and that is about the last thing in the world that I want right now.

I have an appointment with my OB/GYN on Wednesday, and we'll take a look at my blood sugars for the past week and see how I'm doing. Then on Thursday I have a follow up appointment with the dietitian to see how I'm doing as well.

Everyone wants to make sure I'm taking care of my body and Little Foot. Nate has been really helpful//supportive in all of this and that makes it a little easier. We go for a walk every night which is nice, it gets me out of the house and exercise and gives Nate and I a chance to talk about anything and everything under the moon. And we do. =]

I need to rap this up as I am using a  computer at the library and my turn is almost over.

Prayer Requests/Praises:
  1. That God has provided all the bigger baby items that we NEED. I am feeling prepared item wise.
  2. That I continue to have peace about giving birth.
  3. For strength and perseverance to keep up with the diet and exercise I need to be getting.
  4. To strengthen Nate's and my relationship. (These pregnancy hormones make me not always the most pleasant person to be around.)

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