Wednesday, March 14, 2012


So, I realized the other day that it's less then 90 days until my due date. That's three months. In three months I am going to be handed a tiny, helpless, squalling newborn and be expected to take care of it. Not that I have a problem with that. I am beyond excited to have Little Foot out of my womb and into my arms to hold and love, but sometimes thinking about it is really overwhelming. Thankfully I just don't usually think about it. If I did I'm sure I would walk around in a total state of panic.

On the happy, less depressing side of things, the baby is growing well, and I've only gained 10lbs total so far, and my baby bump is still relatively small. I'm measuring well, and hopefully on Monday when I go in for my Rogam shot I'll find out whether or not I passed my 1-hour glucose test.

1 comment:

  1. You, Nate, and LittleFoot are in my thoughts and prayers!
