Friday, March 9, 2012

Update.. Because I am really alive.

Life has been good as of late, although Nate and I have both had colds and I am still working on getting all better. We got approved for food stamps, so at least until July we are set food wise which is really comforting. 

Nate got a lot of extra hours at work due to someone else being sick, so we have enough money to get a bed (YAY! So tired of sleeping on the pull-out couch) and hopefully get the cloth diapers for Little Foot soon. (Gotta teach Nate how to use them before the baby gets here. ;])

Speaking of baby, I had a Dr's appointment on Wednesday, and she said everything is fine, heartbeat is good and my belly is measuring right in range. I get my glucose levels tested on Monday, and my Rogam shot on Wednesday, not really looking forward to it, but it's all Little Foot in the end. 

I would post more but I'm getting tired and ready to head home and I can't think of anything else to say. =P

The belly at 25 weeks.

Prayer Requests:
  1. That my cold will be completely gone.
  2. That Nate's hours at work continue to stay higher.
  3. That I pass my glucose test.
  4. For peace for me, I'm kind of psyching myself out about giving birth and all that jazz.

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