Tuesday, June 5, 2012

40 Weeks Update

Okay, so I guess I lied in the last post, but it was unknowingly. I honestly thought the next time I blogged it would be a birth announcement. That's because last Thursday at my Doctors appointment my Doctor said she wanted me to be induced Tomorrow because of the GD.

At my appointment today, my cervix was still completely closed and she said we could go ahead and induce Tomorrow, but it would more then likely end up in a C-section because my cervix isn't ready. Neither of us want that, so she said since I have done such a good job at keeping my sugars in check, that we can wait until I'm 41 weeks to induce. That means my mommy will be here when Little Foot is born. (IF I don't go into labor naturally before then.)

That thought makes me so happy. Since forever, I have always wanted my mom to be there while I have my first baby, but it didn't look like it was going to be possible for that to happen, and they would simply come after he's born and that's that. But now that they can be here, and I don't have to be induced Tomorrow, this huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. You guys have no idea.

When my Doctor told me this, the first thing that came to mind was "The Lord has heard my cry and He answered me." Such a wave of peace washed over me, I finally felt like I could relax. I had been feeling really queasy for most of the day (nerves, most likely) and that went away.

Anyways, things are happening, good things and I'm glad.

  • That my body continues to progress naturally and that there would be no need to induce.
  • That I would remain calm and unstressed (stress tends to cause labor to stop//not come)
  • That Nate and I would continue to prepare ourselves for this life long journey of becoming parents.
  • That our relationship would grow stronger and closer to God.
  • That my parents would have safe travels out here, 7 of them in a minivan. Lots of prayers needed.
  • That Nate would stay safe on his job, he's a packer//mover and I don't want him hurt.

I'll post another belly shot when I get home. (I'm at the library now, typing this on a real computer and not just my cell phone.)


  1. That's great news!! I'll continue to pray for all these things ma'am!! ((hugs))

  2. So great to hear all this good news!!! I will just keep praying!
    Especially praying you can relax!
    HUGS, C. :-)

  3. Good! I'm glad they're not going to induce, better to go into labor naturally! Been there... I'll tell you about it sometime. I'll continue praying for a good labor & delivery. P.S. I guess Tina may get her wish after all. Plus, my Aunt Ruth & Uncle Bob, who are twins, my mom's younger siblings, were born on June 12 so they're in the running to be birthday buddies with Little Foot too. :o)

  4. Just me again! Just checking in...and letting you know I'm still praying for all of you!
    C. :-)
