Monday, June 11, 2012


Please really be praying that I go into natural labor. I just had a dr's appointment and she said my cervix is soft but  closed and scheduled my induction for 8pm on Wednesday night. They plan on giving me a tablet that will soften/open my cervix and then start pitocin Thursday morning.
This is not how I want my labor to go and would appreciate all the prayers.


  1. I am praying for you. That God would make this birthday specifically special to you and that He would grant you the desires of your heart.

  2. We will be praying for his perfect plan

  3. Am praying! They gave me pitocin and I went right into labor with my last baby, 35 years ago. It will go as planned. There is a day God has set aside for him to be born and not one minute sooner. Relax, better yet go for a ride that changes in altitude quite a bit, helped me may help you! Never know!

  4. I know that everyone is telling you their experiences with labor & induction & pitocin, etc., but everyone is unique and every labor is different. Your experience will be yours alone. Trust God & trust the doctors and relax. Roll with the plan. <3
