Tuesday, May 14, 2013

11 Months

Dear Liam,
Words cannot express how happy I am to be your Mama. This year was my first real Mother's day, and you and Daddy made it special.
I feel like every day you learn something new, waving, clapping, how to get on the coffee table, how to climb into your toy box, How to use a straw, how to stand, and so many other things.
You eat so many things now, and you definitely want 3 meals a day. It's all good though, it means you're growing up like you should.
You wear 12 month clothes for the most part, although I dug through your next size up to find you shorts, because we have hit summer weather finally!
You love to play outside, and by yourself, but you always come crawling back for a quick snuggle before rushing off to your next adventure. I have watched your imagination grow, and it is so much fun.
I love being your Mama, baby boy!


Not a baby anymore.


1 comment:

  1. Yay on a good Mother's Day for you!
    YAY on a happy, healthy, growing, handsome boy!!!:-)
    HUGS!!! C. :-)
