Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunday Social

1. 4 favorite things to do on a weekend?
Snuggle in bed with my boys, go to the park, hang out with Daniel and Cammron, and go shopping.

2. 4 favorite things about your best friend?
I have multiple best friends, so I'm just going to do Nate. He works hard to support us, allowing me to live my dream of being a stay at home mom. He knows when to help me snap out of a grouchy mood and when to just give me space, he understands that somedays I just don't have the energy to do more then take care of Liam, and he can always make me laugh.

3. 4 things you would do with $100,000
Pay off our debt, buy a house, pay for my parent's adoption, and go on my dream honeymoon.

4. 4 favorite books you’ve ever read
Jacob Have I Loved, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Knowledge of the Holy, and the Hunger Games trilogy.

5. 4 favorite snack foods
Granola bar, tomatoes, a popsicle, and check mix

6. 4 things that you must do daily
Pee, put on lotion (x500), kiss Nate, go outside even if it's just to check the mail.

And a few pix to make you smile.


  1. What a fun post! I enjoyed reading your answers! :-)
    I loves tomatoes, too, and can't wait for the summer garden ones! :-)
    HUGS to all of you!

  2. Happy Mother's Day on Sunday the 12th! Hope it's a very special day for you!
    Love you and HUGS!!!
    C. :-)
