Tuesday, November 5, 2013

2 Month Update

Dear Hannelore Joy,
Today you are two months old. You had a Drs appointment this morning, and got your first shots. You took them like a champ and only cried a little bit.
You are 23 1/4" long (almost 2 feet!) And you weigh 11lbs and 1.5oz. Dr. H said everything about you looks perfect. Just what I wanted to hear.
You smile a lot, mostly at your Daddy. We all love you so much, especially Liam. He gets very protective of you when other people hold you.
You are starting to coo and talk, and enjoying spending time in your bouncy seat and on your play mat.
You got dedicated this past Sunday, such a special day for us.
We love you so much Baby Girl!
Mama and Daddy

1 comment:

  1. Hannelore is so beautiful! :-)
    I'm so proud of you and Nate for dedicating your babies to God! :-)
    HUGS to each of you and gentle kisses for Hannelore!!! :-)
    PS...sorry I haven't been around in awhile...busy with work, dealing with some health issues, and etc.
