Thursday, December 5, 2013

3 month update

Dear Hannelore Joy,

I feel like so much life has happened between your birth and now that it's impossible to have only been three months.
You smile a lot now, especially when we talk to you. You really don't like being left alone, if you can't see anyone it makes you real upset. You are very close to rolling over from your belly to your back, I just need to keep remembering to give you tummy time (and keep Liam from laying on top of you). I just started putting you in the exersaucer because you love to stand. You have started playing with your toys, grabbing and hitting them, even talking sometimes.
You have learned how to take a pacifier, which is helpful. But, you're still real fussy a lot. We're pretty sure you have reflux as a result of a food allergy. Now if I can just get my butt in gear and start on the elimination process.
Even with the reflux, you still are an amazing little girl. You have the cutest lil cheeks, and grin, perfect lips and gorgeous blue eyes (that I'm still hoping will turn brown).
We love you so much!
Love, Mama and Daddy

1 comment:

  1. What a precious, beautiful girl! :-) I LOVE that smile! The second photo of her sleeping is soooooooooooooooo cute! It melts my heart! :-)
    HUGS to all 4 of you! I hope you had a very Happy Thanksgiving! :-)
    Carolyn :-)
