Sunday, December 15, 2013

Words Hurt

For as long as I can remember, I've known that words can hurt. We're told to "speak nicely to your sister" and to apologize when we say things that are considered rude or impolite, such as commenting on one's size, or their appearance. You learn that words have power, which is why we say things like "I hate you" to our parents when we receive a punishment we don't think is fair.
As children our parents guide us into an understanding of what is deemed appropriate, polite, and respectful, monitoring our words and actions.
But as adults we no longer have our parents telling us what is right and wrong, we have to use our own judgment, and decide whether it's even necessary to be polite and/or respectful of a person.
Tonight I crossed a line, and I wasn't polite. I didn't really think about what I was doing until the other person called me nasty and rude. That was like a punch to the gut. It hurt and made me angry. It caused me to impulsively deactivate my Facebook account for awhile since my two day break clearly wasn't long enough.
Anyways, just a reminder to THINK (is it; True, Helpful, Intelligent, Necessary, and Kind?) before you talk OR type.


  1. THINK is an excellent guide to help us think before speak with our voice or with our fingers.
    The sad thing today is that people say things in typed words on the computer that they would never say if they had to look us in the eyes.
    Aw, I'm sorry you had such a tough thing happen :-(...sometimes in standing up for ourselves we do say things in the wrong way....sometimes people just push our buttons until we explode. Then we get a lesson in saying, "I'm sorry".
    It's something we all have to work on. Learning how to be honest and say what what needs to be said without being impolite or mean.
    HUGE HUGS!!!

  2. You know what Talia, you're human. Your right as a human means that you can make mistakes. As long as you recognize that you were wrong and apologized, then that is all that matters. Sometimes we get so caught up in the heat of the moment and say things we wish we could take back. It's part of being a human, we aren't perfect. Not to mention words across a screen can so easily be misconstrued. I don't think you should have deactivated your Facebook. If people don't like things you post then just remove those people from your life. Don't take from those who do love and support you because of a few who don't. You are a beautiful and amazing woman and mother. Don't forget it. You're allowed to stumble, just like the rest of us. <3
