Sunday, December 15, 2013

18months, what? !

So for some reason, Blogger never posted my little update about Liam being 1 1/2. Grr. So here it is, a few days late.

Dear Liam Benjamin,
I feel like I start every message to you commenting about how it doesn't seem like you could be this old already, but it's true, and some day you'll understand.
Your latest words are Mommy, pay-yo (pillow), baby, and Nee (Nate, referring to Daddy). Of course you communicate way more than you say with your limited vocabulary, and I'm slowly starting to understand more of your baby babble.
You recently discovered how to jump, and it's adorable. You still love to dance, and are always coming up with new moves to crack us up with.
You love to run around and play outside, pointing at things and having me tell you their names. You like to play with cars, stuffed animals, and little action figure type toys. You adore sitting on your trike although you still can't pedal, but we're working on it.
I love you so much, thanks for being my quizzical, smart, fun, and loving boy.
Love, Mama and Daddy

1 comment:

  1. Liam is 18 months already!? Wow! :-)
    I love the photo of him wearing his backpack! :-) And the one of him sleeping just melts my heart! :-)
    HUGS to Liam!!! HUGS to all of you!!!
    Carolyn :-)
