Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Well baby check ups

The kids had doctors appointments this morning. 18month and 4 month check ups. Hanners is only 3.5 months old, but they let me schedule it early so I could combine Dr's appointments, and save a trip to the north end of town.
Anyways, both kids are healthy, and evaluated well. Hanners has reached milestones (rolling from tummy to back) that weren't even on the questioner. The biggest thing I need to work on with Liam is forming 2 word sentences, like "Daddy bye-bye" and "Baby nurse". Other than that he did well.
He has mastered the door handles at the Dr's office, so he spent the majority of Hanners appointment walking out and not remembering which exam room I was in, and start calling "mama" as he tried to find me. Grateful the nurses understand I can't chase him while I was talking to the Dr, and made sure he didn't get into trouble.

Hannelore Joy:
13lbs 1.5oz 24 1/2"

Liam Benjamin:
24.5lbs 33 1/4"

1 comment:

  1. Yay for precious beautiful well babies!!! :-)
    I wish you and your sweet family a blessed joy-filled Christmas!
    Carolyn :-)
