Friday, July 13, 2012

1 month

Dear Liam,

You are a month old today. It's hard to believe how much you've changed. Physically you've gained 2 lbs since you were born putting you in the 77th percentile, but you're in the 99th percentile for height at 23 inches. You still nurse very frequently when you're awake, but when you nap, you'll sleep for hours.  I've had to wake you up a few times to nurse. You still sneeze a lot. Cute little baby sneezes.

You really like play time on the floor, especially if I lay down with you and talk to you. You're getting good at holding your head up. You have yet to cry in the bath, although sometimes you whimper if you start to get cold. You're learning how to take a pacifier for while we're driving and such, it's helped quite a bit with keeping you happy while we take Daddy to work.

I love you so much, and I love watching you grow, develop and change every day.
