Tuesday, July 3, 2012

3 weeks old

This post is a day early, but I have the time to write it today, and Tomorrow is the 4th and we have plans since Nate has the day off and his parents are in town. So, 3 week old post, 1 day early.

You need to stop growing up. You've already changed so much in the last three weeks. You no longer sleep 24/7, which means if I'm tired, I need to start my nap the same time you do. Your wakeful times are definitely getting longer and more obvious (thankfully you sleep/stay sleepy all night). Today was the first day that you cried and cried, until I laid you down, and then you were happy for about 15 minutes, which meant 15 minutes to wash diapers and dishes.
You've taken to not nursing to sleep sometimes, but wanting to be walked until you fall asleep. Thankfully not in the middle of the night. 
Physically, you're growing well. At your two week check-up Dr. H said you were perfect! I told him he shouldn't expect any less from your daddy and I. You're becoming quite the eater, nursing about every twenty minutes when you're awake. 
Daddy and I love you so much!
Love, Mama
My little love <3


  1. just read this and felt that around this age my sentiments exactly what sweet blog thanks for sharing it with us :) love the picture :)

  2. Aw! He's so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!
    Good to read an update...and love that it's in the form of a letter. :-)
    HUGS to all 3 of you!
    Carolyn :-)
