Sunday, January 5, 2014

4 month update

Dear Hannelore Joy,
You have hit so many milestones this month.
You can roll from belly to back, although we're still working on back to belly. You sat by yourself on Friday night (2 days ago). Your head control is excellent.
You started teething almost a month ago, I put Liam's amber necklace on you (I really need to get another one) and it seems to be helping. 

You graduated from your bassinet, onto the crib mattress. I stick a rolled up blanket next to you because I'm so scared you'll roll off it. I'm working on getting you and/or Liam a better place to sleep. 

Your smile lights up the room, and I can't take you anywhere without people admiring you. But you love the attention and more often than not you smile and coo for them.
Liam just started saying your name, and it's adorable. He really loves you, and is getting a lot better at being gentle, and interacting nicely with you.
Your first Christmas was fun, even if you had no clue what was going on, you looked cute!
We love you!
Love, Mama and Daddy

1 comment:

  1. Happy 4months, Hannelore!!! :-) When you smile that heart-melting smile you look like your beautiful Mommy!!! :-)
    Carolyn :-)
