Saturday, January 4, 2014

Writing Prompt #1

For the next year, I will be answering 52 questions that serve as writing prompts to leave a legacy//history of yourself. (I would link it, but can't on my phone).

What is your full name? Talia Jasmine.
Why did your parents give you that name? My dad found my name in a name book and wanted to name the that, my mom took some convincing, but in the end agreed to it.
When my parents named me Talia they thought they were taking it from the Greek name, Thalia, which means blooming.  Pair it with Jasmine for a middle name and my name means blooming (jasmine) flower.
When I was 10 or 11 they were doing a study of names and discovered that the name Talia is actually Hebrew and means Joyous or Dew of Heaven. Both meanings turned out to be very accurate, and have spoken to me on different occasions.

1 comment:

  1. Your name is beautiful and fits you!
    What a great thing to write the answers to the questions as part of your legacy! I know this might sound old fashioned...but it would be great to write the questions and answers in a journal or bound book so that you you could read it to your kids as they grow up. :-)
    Carolyn :-)
