Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Changes for the better

Today is Nate's first day at his new job. He had to be there at 7:15 this morning, so we were up at 6am. Thankfully his normal hours will be 8-5, so getting up at 6 was a one off. I know I will be getting up at all hours with the baby, but for a little bit longer, I don't.
I'm really proud of Nate, and working so hard to get a new job. Also super greatful for him to be so willing to provide for our family so I can stay home with the baby and be a housewife =]
Just had to brag on the hubs because I love him so much.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

38 weeks

Wow! I'm thirty eight weeks pregnant today. It's crazy how time flies. Seems like just a few days ago I peed on a stick to see if I was pregnant or not.

I had an ultrasound and dr's appointment yesterday. They wanted to make sure the baby isn't to big from the GD. He's not. He's in the 54% for his age and weighs about 7lbs.
With me being so far along, it's only a very rough estimate, but he looks real healthy and good. Apparently, he has very nice cheeks cause the ultrasound tech kept talking about them. His heart is good and healthy, and he's still head down.

I'm doing good health and weight gain wise, however my cervix is still all closed up, and I've not had any braxton hicks yet. My dr said if I haven't progressed at all by next week, they want to talk about induction, most likely by stripping my membranes. (not exactly my idea of a good time) Since I want to do it all natural, being induced is not really something I had anticipated. So, this week I forsee lots of walks and other ways to naturally induce labor for myself.

Nate is looking for a new job, and technically  has one, but it's not something he really wants to do, so he's still looking at some other possibilities.

1. That my cervix will start ripening on it's own.
2. That Little Foot continues to stay healthy.
3. That whatever is God's will in the job situation that it would be clear.
4. For the relationship between Nate and I to continue to grow.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

36 Week Update

I had a dr's appointment yesterday. Everything looks really good. I got the last test thingy they do, done. No more swabbing for me (insert witty pirate joke here). Little Foot's heart beat is still nice and strong, and when she checked my cervix, she could feel the head which means he is going the right place.
My weight has plateaued at about a 15lbs gain, which is perfectly fine with me. My sugars have been staying in a real good range. My dr even said I'm a model GD patient, so that was really nice ando good motivation to continue on my diet.
Because of the GD, I get a second ultrasound in two weeks so they can measure the baby and make sure he's not gaining to much weight. I know my mom had a 13lbs baby, but I'd like to pass on that experience.
I went to my first La Leche League meeting today. It was really nice to connect with other moms who share some of my values, and knowing that I will have support. There are a couple babies who are around the same ages as Little Foot and I forsee some baby play dates. =]
Nate and I got to tour the hospital today. It was nice to see the facilities, and know exactly where to go when the time comes. They have one of the two level three NICUs in all of Colorado, so should something go wrong, we're in the best place.
All in all we're doing good and slowly getting ready to bring our son into the world.

And of course a current belly shot.

That the pregnancy continue to go smoothly.
That Nate would feel better. He's been fighting a cough//cold.
Pray for Nate's job situation, some things have arisen, and he's now looking for a second job.
That our relationship will continue to thrive and grow.
Peace for me as my time gets closer.
That my parents would be able to be here when he's born, I know I'll want my mommy.

Monday, May 7, 2012

New belly shot for the gawkers

Just thought I would post my latest belly shot.

34 weeks.
I'll be 36 weeks on Thursday, and I'll post another pic and an update since I have a dr's appointment on Wednesday and LLL and a hospital tour on Thursday.