Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Story In which I am reminded That Jesus Loves Me

When Nate and I moved into our apartment earlier this year, we needed kitchen stuff, so we bought the basics; cups, plates, silverware, pots and pans, ect. Nate and I both wanted a blender to make fabulously nommy things like smoothies, but we didn't have the money to buy one at the time.

Over the past few months, I've browsed the blender aisle, deciding on what kind I would buy when we had the money. I knew I wanted a glass jar so I could put hot things in it and not worry about it melting or anything. I also knew Oster is a good brand of blender, as that is what my mom had growing up. But, Black & Decker was also an option because they seemed to be sturdy blenders, and slightly cheaper.

A couple weeks ago, I almost bought a blender but ended up not buying one for no particular reason. Then, just two days ago as we were walking into our building, there was a blender on the "free bench" (a place where you can put things if you're giving them away). I told Nate I wanted it, he said it probably didn't work if it was there. I grabbed it anyways, washed it, checked it for leaks, and then plugged it in to see if it worked. And it did! We got a free, glass-jar Oster blender, just like the one I wanted!

It's little things like these that remind me that Jesus loves me.

Monday, July 23, 2012

21st birthday celebrations.

It's my birthday today. My 21st to be specific, but nothing is changing anytime soon since I'm breastfeeding. We celebrated on Saturday since Nate worked (and is still working) today.

I woke up to two handsome boys in my bed, ready to cuddle. Nate surprised me by taking me out for breakfast, I chose IHOP. 
I got coffee
I love him <3
I love him, too. Thankfully he slept through the pancakes.
We spent the day wandering around the mall, and then we went home and watched movies and played Mario Party DS. Sunday night we went our for Chinese food with our friends, which was super yum!
Today Nate worked so Liam and I have just been chilling around the house, sleeping lots, and eating some birthday chocolate. =]
The birthday chocolate.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

1 month PICTURES

With his elephant.

Liam likes the flavour of his fingers.

5 days old

1 month

He's just so sweet I have to kiss him!

My Lubby Doo

Friday, July 13, 2012

1 month

Dear Liam,

You are a month old today. It's hard to believe how much you've changed. Physically you've gained 2 lbs since you were born putting you in the 77th percentile, but you're in the 99th percentile for height at 23 inches. You still nurse very frequently when you're awake, but when you nap, you'll sleep for hours.  I've had to wake you up a few times to nurse. You still sneeze a lot. Cute little baby sneezes.

You really like play time on the floor, especially if I lay down with you and talk to you. You're getting good at holding your head up. You have yet to cry in the bath, although sometimes you whimper if you start to get cold. You're learning how to take a pacifier for while we're driving and such, it's helped quite a bit with keeping you happy while we take Daddy to work.

I love you so much, and I love watching you grow, develop and change every day.


Thursday, July 5, 2012

ABC's of me!

  • A. Age: 20 (and almost 1)
  • B. Bed size: Queen.
  • C. Chore you dislike: Washing dishes.
  • D. Dogs:  None.
  • E. Essential start to your day: good morning cuddles and a kiss from Nate
  • F. Favorite colors: Black, red, and green
  • G. Gold or silver: White gold for my wedding band. =]
  • H. Height: 5'7"
  • I. Instruments you play(ed): Piano, Flute, Violin, Guitar. Do I play any of them now? no.
  • J. Job title: House wife and stay at home Mama.
  • K. Kids: One so far. Liam Benjamin <3 
  • L. Live: Colorado Springs WE'RE ON FIREEEEEE! 
  • M. Mom’s name: Jayme
  • N. Nicknames: TJ, Tal, Lovey Doodle, TayTay, Love, Mama, 
  • O. Overnight hospital stays: 2 nights when Liam was born, I could have stayed another night, but I convinced myself that my pillow top mattress was much comfier and I could have Nate by me.
  • P. Pet peeves: Leaving hair in the shower. 
  • Q. Quote from a movie:  "That's a beautiful Dress June, now please open the door"  
  • R. Righty or lefty: Righty
  • S. Siblings: Tons. five brothers and a sister plus three brother in laws and two sister in laws. 
  • T. Time you wake up: about 6am. Liam thinks that is the best time to be up.
  • U. Underwear: batman 
  • V. Vegetables you don’t like: Celery, artichoke, spaghetti squash. And anything else with an icky texture.
  • W. What makes you run late: The baby wanting to nurse when I'm trying to get ready.
  • X. X-rays you’ve had: My teeth.
  • Y. Yummy food you make: Lots. You'd have to ask Nate what is yummy. 
  • Z. Zoo animal you like: Penguins.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

3 weeks old

This post is a day early, but I have the time to write it today, and Tomorrow is the 4th and we have plans since Nate has the day off and his parents are in town. So, 3 week old post, 1 day early.

You need to stop growing up. You've already changed so much in the last three weeks. You no longer sleep 24/7, which means if I'm tired, I need to start my nap the same time you do. Your wakeful times are definitely getting longer and more obvious (thankfully you sleep/stay sleepy all night). Today was the first day that you cried and cried, until I laid you down, and then you were happy for about 15 minutes, which meant 15 minutes to wash diapers and dishes.
You've taken to not nursing to sleep sometimes, but wanting to be walked until you fall asleep. Thankfully not in the middle of the night. 
Physically, you're growing well. At your two week check-up Dr. H said you were perfect! I told him he shouldn't expect any less from your daddy and I. You're becoming quite the eater, nursing about every twenty minutes when you're awake. 
Daddy and I love you so much!
Love, Mama
My little love <3