Tuesday, August 14, 2012

2 months old

Dear Liam, 
I don't even know where to being, really. Sometimes it's hard to believe that you're two months old, and other times it seems like you've just been around forever. It's hard to remember what I did with my time before you were born. 
Love his smile
You're becoming so expressive. You babble and squeal while you're playing with your toys, and you laugh and giggle when we cuddle and talk to you. You entertain yourself sometimes just lying in bed, it's pretty hilarious to watch. I try to make sure you get some tummy time every day, and you're getting really good at controlling your head. Currently you like to be helped to stand up. If we don't, you kick your legs and will try and climb up whoever is holding you.


my pet dinosaur

I feel like there is something watching me. 

You're a real cute baby. Any place we go people just fawn all over you, Oohing and Aahing at you and your bright eyes. 

He got his first shots today, hence the band-aid
You got two shots today at the Doctor's. You took 'em like a champ, only cried for a minute after the one that stings. I think it was the sparkly band-aids that helped. So proud of you. 

You're getting so big, you weigh 12lbs 11oz, and are 25" long. Putting you in the 59% for weight and 99% for height, still a tall baby. Your head is 41 cm, which is the 94% for that. You have gained 2 pounds, and grown 2 inches in the last month. Dr. H would like to see you chunk up a bit in the next two months, so more nursing for you. Not like you need any encouragement in that area, you nurse every 30-45 minutes when you're awake. 

Your daddy and I love you so much. We love watching you grow and change. You'll never stop being our baby boy.
Mama & Daddy


  1. What a cute baby he is!

  2. Love his face!! He's so expressive!! :o) <3

  3. Aw! Liam is a doll! :-) What a great smile! This was so sweet to read! I'm so glad you are enjoying each other! Give him a gentle kiss on the cheek from me!
    HUGS, Carolyn :-)
