Tuesday, January 15, 2013

7 Months Old

Dear Liam,
You turned seven months old on Sunday. You have grown and changed so much. Your daddy and I are so proud of you.
Saturday you woke up with your first tooth, Sunday you woke up with your second. Thankfully you haven't bitten me with those new teeth. Since you got your teeth, we officially started baby led weaning. You've had avacadoes, and bananas although you preferred the avacado. I have to go buy you more.
You also have found a new love for standing. You think you're the coolest kid ever when you're standing up to the couch. But it s okay 'cause you are the coolest kid I know. =D
You are so close to crawling, you get up on your hands and knees and rock back and forth. And just because you're not crawling does not mean you're not mobile. You roll and scoot everywhere.
You're getting bigger, I'm going to have to dig out your 9-12mos jammies soon. Everything else still fits fine.
Your personality is ever developing, it's so much fun to watch you become a little person. Although when you wake up at 6am with your lil personality all ready to go, it's not quite as cute. =P 
We love you so much!
Love, Mama and Daddy

1 comment:

  1. Happy 7 months, Liam!!!
    You are handsome, sweet, smart and make the cutest faces!!! :-)
    Keep keeping your Mommy and Daddy on their toes...especially at 6 a.m.!!!
    C. :-)
