Saturday, August 31, 2013

40 Weeks

I'm 40 weeks pregnant today, but I highly doubt she'll be born today as there is no activity on the home front. Liam was a week over due, so I didn't really expect to go on time with her. Plus when I got seen on Thursday my doctor had me go ahead and schedule an appointment for next week. I'm only dialated to a one, and that happened a couple Sundays ago.

My stomach is measuring right on, and I haven't gained any weight in over a month, so I'm pretty confident she won't be as big as Liam.  I'm looking forward to a teeny tiny new born to snuggle. I'm so excited for her to be born, I miss her and I want to hold her. This whole pregnancy has felt surreal. I'm hoping between labor and holding her in my arms that having two kids will finally sink in.

Liam seems to be doing really well, and is turning into a tiny human with his own personality and opinions more and more every day. He is working really hard on communicating with us, and often drags me somewhere and points, either laughing because he's happy or it's funny, or crying because he wants something and he needs help. He's very independent otherwise. He used his first baby sign the other day, asking for milk. I was so proud of him. It also encouraged me to keep on signing simple 1 word signs like "toilet" for a diaper change, "water" for a drink, and "sit" mostly for when I put his shoes on. Liam has started laughing a lot, giggling and such. Often looking to see if I find it funny as well. The librarian said that he's probably just expressing that he's happy, and wants us to know that. Let me tell you, this kid is one happy boy!

Prayer Requests:
1. That I would to feel at peace about going into labor. (Nate is going to talk to his boss about only getting put on jobs in town until after the baby is born)
2. That Liam continues to adjust to the changes well, and doesn't give Cammron and Nate to much trouble while I'm in the hospital.
3. That Baby Girl stays healthy, and continues to prepare for being born.
4. That Nate and I will grow closer in this time, not farther apart from the stress.

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