Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blowing kisses

A few weeks ago, Liam started waving good bye to Nate when we drop him off at work. It was completely unprompted, and somewhat surprising. Liam started waving at about 9 months old and then stopped a week later. He's been waving more, but usually you have to wave first. So seeing him wave at Nate was sweet.
This morning I decided to see if we could take it up a notch, and blow daddy a kiss. I asked him if he would, demonstrated once how to do it, and then Liam looked at Nate and blew him a kiss. *cue heart melting into a giant puddle*

In somewhat unrelated news, Liam has also learned how to climb into the bathtub and thinks it's great fun to be in there when there's no water. XD

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Tell Liam I like sitting in a water-less bathtub, too. It's a quiet place to read! :-D
    I love reading about much Liam is learning and how he is growing up! :-)
    HUGS to all 4 of you! Praying for you and babygirl! :-)
    Carolyn :-)
