Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas '13

I realized I never posted about Christmas. We didn't do much. We opened all our presents on different days because we were out of town on Christmas and didn't want to have to haul everything with us there and back. Anyways, pictures from gifts, ect.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Well baby check ups

The kids had doctors appointments this morning. 18month and 4 month check ups. Hanners is only 3.5 months old, but they let me schedule it early so I could combine Dr's appointments, and save a trip to the north end of town.
Anyways, both kids are healthy, and evaluated well. Hanners has reached milestones (rolling from tummy to back) that weren't even on the questioner. The biggest thing I need to work on with Liam is forming 2 word sentences, like "Daddy bye-bye" and "Baby nurse". Other than that he did well.
He has mastered the door handles at the Dr's office, so he spent the majority of Hanners appointment walking out and not remembering which exam room I was in, and start calling "mama" as he tried to find me. Grateful the nurses understand I can't chase him while I was talking to the Dr, and made sure he didn't get into trouble.

Hannelore Joy:
13lbs 1.5oz 24 1/2"

Liam Benjamin:
24.5lbs 33 1/4"

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Words Hurt

For as long as I can remember, I've known that words can hurt. We're told to "speak nicely to your sister" and to apologize when we say things that are considered rude or impolite, such as commenting on one's size, or their appearance. You learn that words have power, which is why we say things like "I hate you" to our parents when we receive a punishment we don't think is fair.
As children our parents guide us into an understanding of what is deemed appropriate, polite, and respectful, monitoring our words and actions.
But as adults we no longer have our parents telling us what is right and wrong, we have to use our own judgment, and decide whether it's even necessary to be polite and/or respectful of a person.
Tonight I crossed a line, and I wasn't polite. I didn't really think about what I was doing until the other person called me nasty and rude. That was like a punch to the gut. It hurt and made me angry. It caused me to impulsively deactivate my Facebook account for awhile since my two day break clearly wasn't long enough.
Anyways, just a reminder to THINK (is it; True, Helpful, Intelligent, Necessary, and Kind?) before you talk OR type.

18months, what? !

So for some reason, Blogger never posted my little update about Liam being 1 1/2. Grr. So here it is, a few days late.

Dear Liam Benjamin,
I feel like I start every message to you commenting about how it doesn't seem like you could be this old already, but it's true, and some day you'll understand.
Your latest words are Mommy, pay-yo (pillow), baby, and Nee (Nate, referring to Daddy). Of course you communicate way more than you say with your limited vocabulary, and I'm slowly starting to understand more of your baby babble.
You recently discovered how to jump, and it's adorable. You still love to dance, and are always coming up with new moves to crack us up with.
You love to run around and play outside, pointing at things and having me tell you their names. You like to play with cars, stuffed animals, and little action figure type toys. You adore sitting on your trike although you still can't pedal, but we're working on it.
I love you so much, thanks for being my quizzical, smart, fun, and loving boy.
Love, Mama and Daddy

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Eliminate the negative

It's 10pm. Everyone else is sleeping.  I've just ddecided to take a break from FB for awhile. I'm not sure how long yet, but at least a couple of days. I didn't say anything about it on my site, or fully deactivate my account, if I decide it will be a long term thing though, I will. I did post post it on my instagram though, so some people will know.
I'm mainly taking a break because there has been a rather lively discussion on on a picture I posted of me nursing Liam. The funny thing is, I never meant to post the picture on there, because I don't want negative comments. Thankfully a large majority of the people commenting were people defending me and my choices.
Anyway, after all of that drama and a few other things it really caused me to reevaluate FB and how it affects my life and actions. I've decided to work on eliminating the negative, and that starts with people.
On the plus side, not being on FB will probably cause me to blog a lot more, hurray!
Talia xx

Thursday, December 5, 2013

3 month update

Dear Hannelore Joy,

I feel like so much life has happened between your birth and now that it's impossible to have only been three months.
You smile a lot now, especially when we talk to you. You really don't like being left alone, if you can't see anyone it makes you real upset. You are very close to rolling over from your belly to your back, I just need to keep remembering to give you tummy time (and keep Liam from laying on top of you). I just started putting you in the exersaucer because you love to stand. You have started playing with your toys, grabbing and hitting them, even talking sometimes.
You have learned how to take a pacifier, which is helpful. But, you're still real fussy a lot. We're pretty sure you have reflux as a result of a food allergy. Now if I can just get my butt in gear and start on the elimination process.
Even with the reflux, you still are an amazing little girl. You have the cutest lil cheeks, and grin, perfect lips and gorgeous blue eyes (that I'm still hoping will turn brown).
We love you so much!
Love, Mama and Daddy