Sunday, January 26, 2014

Writing Prompt #4

Tell me about your mother (hers name, birth date, birthplace, parents, etc.) Can you share some memories you have of your mother?

My mother's name is Jayme Lea (Jenner) Osborn. She was born on March 25th in California. Her parents were James Lowell Jenner, who died when I was 14, and Marlene May (Wrege) Jenner, who is 80 and still alive and kicking.

I have fond memories of rubbing her back and playing with her hair while she read to me before bed. We read all sorts of stuff but the last ones I remember was "All Things Bright and Beautiful" by James Harriet.
My mother is an excellent cook, out of all the things she has made, I can honestly say I only didn't care for three of them. She didn't always want to share her kitchen, but when she opened it up and let me in, chopping, stirring, and even sometimes cooking a whole meal, it opened up a chance to talk, and learn. In this day and age knowledge of what spices and seasonings are good, strong, what compliments each other is rare and I'm thankful my mother passed it down to me.
She also is a great example of someone who protects the spiritual atmosphere of the home, always playing worship music, not allowing most movies or secular music.
She's a great mom and I love her.

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